Allied Masonic Organizations
List of allied masonic organizations that are commonly found in the United States of America.

- Acasia
- A college social fraternity, founded in 1904, composed of Protestant men recommended by two Master Masons. Headquarters are in Evanston, Illinois.
- American Lodge of Research
- Consists of Master Masons interested in the study of Masonic history.
- Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
- The Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction, organized in 1813, maintains headquarters in Boston. The Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction, which includes the western states and the United States territorial possessions, was organized in 1801. It has headquarters in Washington, D.C.
- Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine
- Also known as The Shriners. Membership is open to Thirty-Second Degree Masons and Knights Templar. Organized in 1872, primarily for good fellowship, and with considerable emphasis on impressive titles, colorful regalia, and mass ceremonials. The Order also provides extensive financial support for health work among children, the seventeen Shriner hospitals for crippled children have facilities for about 800 patients, who receive free treatment upon recommendation by a Mason. Headquarters are in Chicago, Illinois.
- Ancient Egyptian Order of Princesses of Sharemkhu
- Composed of women relatives of Shriners. It undertakes both charitable and social projects.
- Ancient Egyptian Order of Sciots
- Made up of Masons who pledge to attend their Blue Lodge meetings monthly. Its purposes are the promotion of Masonic fellowship and aiding underprivileged and undernourished children. Founded in 1905. Headquarters are in San Francisco, California.
- Ancient Toltec Rite
- Members are Knights Templars, Thirty-Second Degree Masons, and their women relatives. It confers its own degrees.
- Daughters of Mokanna
- A fraternal organization for women relatives of the Prophets of the Enchanted Realm. Headquarters are in Cleveland Heights, Ohio.
- Daughters of the Nile
- A womens group dedicated to the encouragement of high principles. Membership is restricted to close family relatives of Shriners, and is by invitation. Founded in 1913 with headquarters in San Francisco, California.
- George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association
- Founded in 1912 with membership limited to Grand Lodge members. It maintains the Washington Masonic Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia.
- Grand College of Rites of the U.S.A.
- Studies ancient Masonic rites. Membership is limited to Master Masons and is by invitation.
- Grand Council of Allied Masonic Degrees of the U.S.A.
- Members are Royal Arch Masons. Organized for the practice of old Masonic Rituals.
- High Twelve International
- Composed of Master Masons organized to promote inter-Masonic friendships and to support Masonic ideals. The group was founded in 1921 with headquarters in Maplewood, Missouri.
- Holy Order of Knights Beneficent of the Holy City
- This is a group of Master Masons organized to strengthen religious devotion. Membership is by invitation.
- Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests
- An organization of Eminent Commanders of Knights Templar Commanderies. It confers its own degrees.
- Knight's Templar
- Founded in 1816, the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar maintains headquarters in Chicago.
- Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America
- This is a group of women relatives of Shriners dedicated to humanitarian work and fellowship.
- Legion of Honor
- A national Association of Legions of Honor was founded in 1931, and maintains headquarters in Miami. It is open to servicemen and veterans of the United States, who are Shriners.
- Low Twelve Clubs
- Maintain funds for Masonic death benefits. Members are Master Masons.
- Masonic Clubs
- Are the social organizations of Master Masons. The Masonic order does not sponsor drinking in its lodges, but the Masonic Club operates barrooms in most lodge halls. A National League of Masonic Clubs was founded in 1905, and has headquarters in Cranford, New Jersey.
- Masonic Relief Association of the U.S.A.
- Founded in 1885 to administer philanthropic aid both within and without the Masonic order. Headquarters are in Buffalo, New York.
- Masonic Service Association of the United States
- A federation of Grand Lodges which conducts educational and welfare programs, including veterans hospital visits and disaster relief assistance. While a national organization, it has no authority over state Grand Lodges. Founded in 1919, the Association maintains headquarters in Washington, D.C.
- Mutual Guild
- Promotes the unity of officers of the Grand Jurisdictions of Knights Templar and Royal Arch. Members are specified officers of those jurisdictions.
- Mystic Order of the Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm
- Known as The Grotto. Although styling itself "the playground of Blue Lodge Masonry," the group also sponsors cerebral palsy research. It was founded in 1890 with headquarters in Chicago, Illinois.
- National Sojourners
- Composed of past or present commissioned officers and warrant officers of the uniformed forces of the United States who are Master Masons. The Heroes of the 76 is an affiliated group. Founded in 1900. Headquarters are in Washington, D.C.
- Order of DeMolay for Boys
- Composed of teen-aged sons of Master Masons and their friends. Its purposes are the development of character, citizenship and the love of parents. The Order was founded in 1919.
- Order of Desoms
- A group of deaf men with close relationship to Master Masons. Its purpose is to provide assistance to its members.
- Order of Job's Daughters
- Founded in 1920. Membership consists of girls between the ages of twelve and twenty who are related to Master Masons. Headquarters are in Los Angeles, California.
- Order of Knight Masons (of Ireland)
- Membership is open to Master Masons by invitation. Awards the "Green Degrees."
- Order of the Amarath
- A charitable organization composed primarily of women relatives of Master Masons. They are urged to portray, by precept and example, their belief in the Golden Rule and by conforming to the virtues inherent in TRUTH, FAITH, WISDOM and CHARITY they can prove to others the goodness promulgated by the Order.
- Order of the Eastern Star
- One of the largest allied masonic groups, the Eastern Star is composed of Master Masons and, primarily, women relatives of Master Masons. Of French origin, the Order was introduced into the colonies by Marquis de Lafayette during the Revolutionary War, and was promoted by General George Washington and other prominent Master Masons associated with him. The purpose of the Order is the promotion of charity and Masonic goodwill. Headquarters are in Washington, D.C. The Orders Grand General Chapter was founded in 1876.
- Order of the Rainbow for Girls
- Founded in 1922. It consists of girls from the ages of twelve to eighteen related to Master Masons or Eastern Stars and friends of these girls. Its purpose is "the teaching of right living." Headquarters are in McAlister, Oklahoma.
- Philalethes Society
- Serves as a clearinghouse for the international exchange of Masonic philosophy. Membership consists of Master Masons.
- Red Cross of Constantine-United Imperial Council
- Has the purposes of studying and purifying the science of Masonry. Membership is restricted to Royal Arch Masons. The group was founded in 1870 and has headquarters in Chicago, Illinois.
- Royal Order of Jesters
- Follows the motto, "Mirth is King." Membership consists of Shriners and by invitation.
- Royal Order of Scotland
- Composed of Christian Scottish or York Rite Masons of at least five years standing. The Order confers its own degrees.
- Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis
- Membership is open to Master Masons by invitation and devotes itself to the study of Masonic legend.
- Tall Cedars of Lebanon of the United States of America
- This group is composed of Master Masons organized primarily for social purposes.
- York Rite
- Encompasses the Royal Arch, Council of Royal and Select Masters, and Knights Templar